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Hacking the SSH server, again

In the previous howto, we have seen how to research about a vulnerability in the FTP service running on our target system and exploit it to gain a shell on that system. In this howto, we will see hacking the SSH service running on port 22. It can be seen that the target is running OPenSSH 4.7p1 SSH server.


I googled about the above mentioned version to find out if it had any vulnerabilities and exploits for those vulnerabilities. After an arduous search, I found one exploit but that seemed to be not working (Its not always a positive result in hacking).

Remember that we already gained a shell on the SSH server in one of our previous howtos. We did this using the credentials we obtained during enumeration of the target system. (This is why enumeration is so important). We used this credentials in a Metasploit SSH login module to get a shell on our target system.

This time we will see another way of gaining access to the SSH server using the same module. This SSH login module can also be used to brute force the credentials of the SSH server. Let’s see how it works. Load the module and check the required options.


In order to brute force the credentials, we need to specify a dictionary for cracking username- s and passwords in the similar fashion we set while using Hydra. We will use the same dictionary we have used while performing password cracking with Hydra.

I have set the same file for both username and passwords. To conserve time I have set the option “stop_on_success” to True. This option will stop the brute forcing if it finds even one login credential. I have set the “verbose” option also to TRUE. This module is normally used to brute force multiple SSH servers at once. That’s the reason it has “RHOSTS” option instead of “RHOST” option. Any how we can still set a single IP as target. All the options are shown as below.


After all the options are set, execute the exploit using the command “run”.


Once the password is cracked successfully, the module displays the credentials and automatically gives us a shell on the target system as shown in the above image. The available sessions can be viewed as shown below.


We can also login into the SSH server using the credentials we obtained prior as shown below.


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Testing CVE 2018 17456 with Metasploit

Hello aspiring ethical hackers. In our previous blogpost, you learnt how to use Metasploit framework. In this article, you will learn what is CVE-2018-17456 vulnerability and how to test this vulnerability with Metasploit.

What is CVE-2018-17456 vulnerability?

CVE-2018-17456 is a vulnerability affecting submodules of Git. A Git submodule is a repository that is included within another Git repository. The vulnerability arises when a submodule URL which starts with a dash e.g “-u./payload” is passed as an argument to git clone, the file “payload” inside the repository is executed. This vulnerability affects Git versions 2.14.5, 2.15.3, 2.16.5, 2.17.2, 2.18.1, and 2.19.1 and lower.

This Metasploit module creates a fake git repository which contains a submodule containing the payload. The vulnerability is triggered when the submodules are initialized or cloned. (e.g git clone –recurse-submodules URL)

This module is a local exploit module and works on Git versions 2.7.5 and lower. Now let us see how this module works. Start Metasploit and load the exploit module as shown below. Type command “show options” to see all the options we need for this module to run.


Set the options LHOST, git_uri and LPORT options as shown below. The git_uri option sets the URL malicious git submodule. Use command “run” to start our Git HTTP server.


All we need to do now is send the URL of the Git repository we created to target users. This requires social engineering. As the user clones this URL, we will get a command session on the target. Here we are testing this on KaIi Linux 2016 machine which has the vulnerable version of Git installed. Let’s see what happens on the target machine.


As this happens on our target system, we will get a command shell on our attacker system as shown below.


We can see the active sessions using the command “sessions”.


That is how you can test for CVE 2018 17456 vulnerability. Learn about PrintNightmare vulnerability.

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Vulnerability assessment (VA) for beginners

Hello, aspiring ethical hackers. In our previous blogpost, you learnt about vulnerability scanning. In this article you will learn about vulnerability assessment.

What is vulnerability assessment?

Vulnerability assessment (VA) is sometimes interchangeably used with vulnerability scanning but is entirely different form vulnerability scanning. VA is a systematical review of vulnerabilities or weaknesses in a system or a network or even in an entire company. While vulnerability scanning is just scanning for vulnerabilities, Vulnerability assessment also assigns security levels to the vulnerabilities identified and suggests remediation or mitigation if needed.

Types of vulnerability assessments

As vulnerability assessment has a larger scope, there are different types of vulnerability assessments. They are,

1. Host assessment:

When a single host or a system (which can include server or client) is assessed for vulnerabilities, it is called host assessment.

2. Network assessment:

When vulnerabilities in an entire network are assessed, it is known as network VA. This can include all the devices, gateways and servers in the entire network.

3. Database assessment:

When vulnerabilities of a database are assessed, it is known as a database assessment.

Stages of a vulnerability assessment

VA consists of four stages. They are,

1. Vulnerability identification:

The first stage of the VA is to identify the vulnerabilities in a host network or any other resources. This involves scanning for vulnerabilities using automated tools.

2. Vulnerability analysis:

The second stage is to analyze the vulnerability identified. This includes identifying the source of and cause of the vulnerabilities.

3. Risk assessment:

The third stage in VA includes assessing the risk of the vulnerability. In this stage, a rank or security level is given to each vulnerability detected. This rank depends on the severity of the vulnerability, how simple it is to exploit this vulnerability, ease of access, and what a hacker can get if he is successful in exploiting it.

4. Remediation:

The final step of VA is to fix or remediate the vulnerability. This stage can include developers, operation teams and cybersecurity professionals.

Some of the tools that can be used to perform vulnerability assessment are Nessus, OpenVAS, Burp suite, Nikto, Wireshark etc.

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Meterpreter archmigrate module

Hello aspiring ethical hackers. In our previous blogpost, you learnt all about the meterpreter payload. In this blogpost, you will learn about the archmigrate module of Metasploit. This module checks if the meterpreter architecture is the same as the Operating System architecture (OS) and if it’s incompatible it spawns a new process with the correct architecture and migrates into that process. It is a POST module.

What is architecture? As we all know there are two main system architectures 32bit and 64bit. Sometimes, we happen to select a 32bit meterpreter payload for a 64bit target system.

Sometimes there may be compatibility issues if we get a 32bit meterpreter session on a 64bit machine and vice versa. This is the exact scenario in which this module is helpful. To overcome the problems of incompatibility, we need to get a new 64bit meterpreter session or just use the archmigrate module to create a new process with the same architecture as the target OS and migrate to that process. Let’s see how this module works.

To use this module, we need to background the current meterpreter session using command “background”. Then load the archmigrate exploit as shown below. Type command “show options” to have a look at the options it requires.

meterpreter architecture migration from 32bit to 64bit and vice versa

We need to only set the session id of the meterpreter session we just sent to background and the exploit is good to go.


If you see in the above image, our exploit failed to run for the first time. This is because in the previous session we had system privileges and if we run this module we may lose the system privileges. But don’t worry, we can change the options to overcome this problem.

Set “ignore_system” option to true and you should be fine to go. This time the exploit ran successfully. As you can see in the above image, our target is a 64bit machine and our meterpreter migrated to a 64bit process successfully. Lets check by typing command “sessions -l” to see the available sessions. You can see we have a 64bit meterpreter session now. Job performed.

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Beginners guide to UAC bypass

Hello, aspiring ethical hackers. In our previous blogpost, you learnt about various techniques used for Windows privilege escalation. In this blogpost, you will learn about UAC bypass, one of the techniques used for privilege escalation in Windows. To understand UAC bypass, you need to first understand what is UAC.

What is UAC?

User Account Control (UAC) is a mandatory access control feature of Windows operating system that helps in improving the security of the operating system. It was introduced in Window Vista and Windows Server 2008 and has ben improved since then. User Account Control works by limiting a software or program to run with standard user privileges (low privileges) until and unless a user with administrator privileges authorizes it by giving permission. This way, only applications trusted by the user can be run on the system. This helps to prevent malware infection as malware and virus need administrator privileges to infect the system wholly.

How can UAC be bypassed?

Now, you have a question. How can UAC be bypassed. There are various UAC bypass methods. They are,

1. Registry key manipulation:

This technique works by hijacking the normal execution flow of an auto elevated application. What are auto-elevated applications? In Microsoft windows, if a binary is trusted (i.e. it has been signed with a MS certificate or the binary is in a trusted directory), the UAC prompt will not be presented. This can be exploited using a registry key.

The fodhelper privilege escalation method is an example of this. Fodhelper.exe is a trusted binary in Windows operating systems that is used to manage features in Windows settings. We can exploit this binary by hijacking a special key in the Registry under the current user hive and inserting a custom command that will get invoked when the Windows fodhelper.exe application is launched.

Once the UAC flag is turned off, we will spawn a second shell with SYSTEM privileges. Metasploit has a module for this. Let’s see it practically using Metasploit. Imagine we have a scenario where we have gained access to a Windows system using any Windows hacking technique.

Bypassuac Fodhelper0

To use the fodhelper module to elevate privileges, we need to background the current session.

Bypassuac Fodhelper00

Search for fodhelper module using the search command.

Image explaining about Windows privilege escalation with fodhelper module

Load the module and set the session ID as shown below.

Bypassuac Fodhelper2

Run the module as shown below.

Bypassuac Fodhelper3

As you can see, we successfully got a meterpreter session. When I check privileges, its still user privileges but when I run “getsystem” command, I get system privileges on the target Windows system.

2. DLL hijacking:

In this method, the execution of an elevated program is hijacked using DLL Search order hijacking, DLL loading, redirection or other DLL vulnerability.

3. Elevated COM interface method:

COM stands for Component Object Model. It acts as a binary interface between various processes of different programming languages. In Windows, is is the basis for several other Microsoft technologies like OLE, OLE Automation, Browser Helper Object, ActiveX, COM+, DCOM, Windows shell, DirectX and Windows runtime. In this method, the COM handler is bypassed while it references registry when a high integrity process is being loaded. These DLLs contain the payloads that result in elevated sessions.

Let’s demonstrate this using Metasploit. As for every privilege escalation exploit, we need to already have a meterpreter session on target. This can be achieved using one of the Windows hacking techniques. Once we have it, search for the bypassuac_comhijack module as shown below.


Load the bypassuac_comhijack module and check its options by using the “show options” command as shown below.


Set the session id and execute the exploit using “run” command as shown below. If everything went right, we will have another meterpreter session as shown below.


Check the privileges using the “getuid” command. If you still don’t have system privileges, run command “getsystem” and even if it results in an error, check your privileges once again using command “getuid“. You should definitely have system privileges by now.
