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Create a web application penetration testing lab

Good Evening friends. Today we will see a step by step guide  on how to create a web application penetration testing lab .

For creating this lab, I am using a host machine with Windows 7 installed on it.  We also need the following software.

1. Wamp server ( Download here)

2. Vulnerawa ( Download here )

3. Vmware Workstation   or Oracle Virtualbox ( Download here )

4. Kali Linux ( Download here )

Download the above software to your system. Install Wamp server.  For this WAPT lab,  we will use Vulnerawa as a vulnerable website or target website. Extract the contents of the folder to the root folder of the Wamp server. Now open a browser and and type localhost in the URL bar to see if you can see the victim webapp as shown below.

Click on “Create Database” to create some data which we will use in our future howto’s.

Now let’s change the permissions of the Wamp server to access it from our attacker machine. Go to Apache>httpd.conf as shown below.

You should see the httpd.conf as shown below.  Type CTRL+F and search for word “stuff”. After you find it, make changes  as shown below in the red box. Save the file by typing CTRL+S  and restart the Wamp server.

Now install Kali Linux in Vmware Workstation or Oracle Virtualbox (see how ). Set the network adapter to NAT. Now open command line in your host machine and check the IP address assigned to your host machine as shown below by typing command “ipconfig”. Since I am using Vmware Workstation my network adapter is Vmware network adapter vmnet8. The IP address assigned to my host machine is

Now start your attacker machine( Kali Linux ), open browser and type the address in the url bar and see if you can access the victim web application as shown below.

web application pentest lab

Your web application penetration testing lab is ready. Happy hacking practice.

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How to setup Vulnerawa in Wamp server

Good Evening friends.  Today we will see how to setup Vulnerawa in Wamp Server. For those newbies who don’t know what is Vulnerawa, it is a vulnerable web app coded by me to simulate a real website for practice. Read more about it here. First, download Wamp Server from here   as appropriate to your system requirements. We will use “WAMPSERVER (64 BITS & PHP 5.3.10) 2.2d″ for this howto. Install the Wamp Server. Open browser and type “localhost” in the URL bar to see if Wamp server is working as shown below.

We can see that there are no projects available. Now download Vulnerawa from here. You will find a zip file as shown below. Now we will extract the contents of this file into the root folder of Wamp server. Right click on the zip file, go to 7-zip as shown below ( or any other unzipping software )  and select “Extract files” option. Extract the files to the folder “C:\\wamp\www” which is the root folder for Wamp server.

Now lets check the root folder to see if the files are extracted. Go to wamp server’s root directory and you should see the folder named “vulnerawa1.0.2” as shown below.

Now open your browser and type “localhost” once again. Now we can see our projectVulnerawa1.0.2 listed in the Projects section as shown below.

Click on the project. If you see the below webpage, then you have successfully setup Vulnerawa. If it gives you some error go to the url and type “http://localhost/vulnerawa1.0.2” directly. Happy hacking practice.

vulnerawa in wamp server

Here’s a video version of this howto.
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Vulnerawa : Vulnerable web app for practice

Vulnerawa stands for “Vulnerable Web Application”. This vulnerable web application developed by me is still in its nascent stages. I have started developing “Vulnerawa” to simulate a real website, i.e practice website hacking on this application and you are ready for hacking real websites. It is available for download here, it has only SQL Injection vulnerabilities. (Go here to see how to setup Vulnerawa). Here’s a picture of Vulnerawa below.

This vulnerable web app  has two SQL injection vulnerabilities, url based and Login Bypass. As an example, let’s see login bypass using SQL injection. Click on link “Login”. You will be greeted with a login form. Enter single quote character(‘) as shown below in the picture below and click on “Submit”.


You will get an error as shown below, i.e the web app is vulnerable to SQL injection. This trick also works on real-time websites if they are vulnerable to SQL injection.

Continue reading Vulnerawa : Vulnerable web app for practice
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How to crack wpa2 psk wifi password

Hello, aspiring ethical hackers. In one of our previous blogposts, you learnt what WiFi hacking is and various WiFi hacking techniques. In this blogpost, you will learn various methods to crack wpa2 psk WiFi password. Before we try to crack wpa2 psk wifi password, you need to first understand how WPA /WPA2 encryption works.

Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA)

Also known as Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP) standard, WPA implements the TKIP encryption method and was introduced in 2003. TKIP introduced three new methods to overcome weaknesses in Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) standard.

1. TKIP implements a key mixing function that combines the secret root key with the initialization vector before passing it to the RC4 cipher initialization. WEP on the other hand merely concatenated the initialization vectors to the root key and passed this value to the RC4 cipher.
2. A sequence counter is implemented to protect against replay attacks. Hence, packets received out of order will be rejected by the Access point.
3.TKIP implements a 64-bit Message Integrity Check (MIC) replacing Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) used in WEP. This re-initializes the sequence number each time when a new key (Temporal Key) is used.

Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 (WPA2)

WPA 2 was introduced in 2004 to replace WPA. It implemented the mandatory elements of IEEE 802.11i. 802.11i makes use of the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) block cipher instead of RC4 stream cipher used by both WEP and WPA. It also uses Counter Mode Cipher Block Chaining Message Authentication Code Protocol (CCMP) encryption protocol. It provides the following security services.

1. Data Confidentiality: It ensures only authorized parties can access the information.
2. Authentication: provides proof of genuineness of the user
3. Access control in conjunction with layer management.

WPA uses 128 bit key and  48 bit initialization vector while WEP uses 108 bit key with 24 bit initialization vector. WPA2 is the successor of WPA. Both WPA and WPA2 use temporal key integrity protocol(TKIP) for encryption and  pre-shared key(PSK) authentication.  The only difference between WPA and WPA2 is that they use Rivest Cipher(RC4) and Advanced Encryption Standard(AES) encryption algorithms respectively. Both can be configured to use counter cipher block chaining mode(CCM) though. They are by far considered  most secure for Wifi networks.

WPA – versions:

There are two versions of WPA. They are,

1. WPA – Personal:

Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) – Personal is designed for home and small office networks. This version uses Pre- Shared Key (PSK) and hence it is also referred as WPA-PSK (pre-shared key) mode. The network traffic is encrypted using a 128-bit encryption key derived from a 256-bit shared key.  WPA-Personal mode is available on all three WPA versions.

2. WPA – Enterprise:

As its name implies, this is designed for enterprise networks and requires a RADIUS authentication server. This requires a more complicated setup but provides additional security like protection against dictionary attacks on short passwords. Various kinds of the Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) are used for authentication. WPA-Enterprise mode is available on all three WPA versions.

Let’s see how to crack WPA2 with aircrack first. For this tutorial, I am going to use Kali Linux. ( For this howto, if you are running Kali Linux in Vmware or Virtualbox you need to have a compatible wifi usb adapter). I am using the ALFA wireless adapter. So let’s start. Once you have turned on Kali Linux, open terminal and type command “iwconfig”. It lists all your wireless interfaces just like ifconfig shows wired interfaces.

We can see that we have a wireless interface wlan0. Now we are going to start monitor mode on our wireless interface. Monitor mode is same as promiscuous mode in wired sniffing. Type command “airmon-ng start wlan0″. We can see below that monitor mode has been enabled on “mon0″.

Now let’s see all the traffic collected by our wireless interface. Type command airodump-ng mon0.

Hit Enter. We can see all the wireless networks available as shown below.

crack wpa

We can see that all the wifi networks are configured with  WPA2 or WPA. We are going to hack the network “shunya”. We will collect the shunya’s network traffic into a file. Open a terminal and type command “airodump-ng –bssid <Mac address of wifi access point> -c 13 –write wpacrack mon0″.


–bssid stands for base station security identifier

<MAC address> is the Mac address of access point.

-c is used to specify the channel the wifi network is operating on.

–write to write to a file.

wpacrack  is the file name we are writing into.

mon0 is the interface

Hit Enter. We will see the result as below.

We can only hack a WPA/WPA2 protected wifi network by capturing it’s handshake process or association( when the client is trying to connect to the wifi network.).  So let’s try to disconnect all the clients connected to the wifi network “shunya” first. Open a new terminal and type the command “aireplay-ng  –deauth 100 -a <MAC> –ignore-negative-one mon0″.


–deauth are the deauthentication packets,

100 are the number of deauthentication packets we want to send.

-a stands for access point.

<MAC> is the MAC address of the wifi access point.

This command will send 100 DE authentication packets to the broadcast address of the wifi access point. This will make all the clients connected to the shunya get disconnected. As soon as this happens, all the clients will try to connect back to the wifi network once again. We can see that a WPA handshake has happened in the previous terminal.

Now let’s see where our capture file is located. Type “ls”. We will do dictionary password cracking here. So let’s find out where the dictionaries are.  Type command “locate wordlists”. This will show us a number of wordlists available by default in kali linux.

Our captured traffic is stored in .cap file. We will use the wordlist big.txt for cracking the password. Open a new terminal and type command “aircrack-ng wpacrack-01.cap -w /usr/share/dirb/wordlists/big.txt”.

Hit Enter. If our dictionary has the password, the result will be as below. If our dictionary doesn’t have the password, we have to use another dictionary.

That is how we crack wpa2 psk wifi password with aircrack. Remember that the choice of dictionary will play a key role in WPA/WPA2 password cracking. So that is one way in which we crack wpa wpa2 password  with aircrack for you. Hope this was helpful. Learn how to crack wpa wpa2  with a graphical tool.

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Cracking Wifi Passwords with Fern Wifi cracker

Hello aspiring ethical hackers. In one of our previous blogposts, you have learnt what is wifi hacking, types of WiFi hacking attacks etc. In this blogpost, you will learn how to crack WPA/ WPA2 password with a tool called Fern WiFi cracker.

Fern Wifi Cracker is a Wireless security auditing and attack software program written in Python. It can crack and recover WEP/WPA/WPS keys and also run other network based attacks on wireless or ethernet based networks.

As already explained, WPA stands for Wifi Protected Access. It is an encryption system to secure WLAN networks. It eliminates all known vulnerabilities in WEP(Wired Equivalent Privacy). WPA uses 128 bit key and 48 bit initialization vector while WEP uses 108 bit key with 24 bit initialization vector. WPA2 is the successor of WPA. Both WPA and WPA2 use temporal key integrity protocol(TKIP) for encryption and pre-shared key(PSK) authentication. The only difference between WPA and WPA2 is that they use Rivest Cipher(RC4) and Advanced Encryption Standard(AES) encryption algorithms respectively. Both can be configured to use counter cipher block chaining mode(CCM) though. They are by far considered most secure for Wifi networks.

So today we are  learn cracking WPA/WPA2 passwords using a GUI tool also inbuilt in Kali Linux, Fern Wifi cracker. Open the tool, Fern Wifi cracker.

Select our wireless interface WLAN). Click on the tab “Scan for access points”. The tool will search for available access points as shown below.

Since we want to hack a WPA enabled wifi network, click on WPA tab. It will show all the available WPA enabled networks.

Click on the wifi network whose password we want to crack( in my case “shunya”). Browse to the dictionary file we want to choose as shown below.

Click on “Wifi attack” tab. The tool will automatically crack the password for you as shown below.

cracking wpa

Hope this was helpful. Learn how to crack WiFi passwords with aircrack.