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Beginners guide to Computer Virus

Hello aspiring Ethical Hackers. In this blogpost, you will learn in detail about computer virus. In our previous article on malware, you have read that virus is one type of malicious software.

What is a VIRUS?

Virus stands for Vital Information Resources Under Seize (VIRUS). Once a computer virus infects any system it tries to seize is resources. Like it’s pathological name sake, a virus attaches itself to an executable or program to propagate or infect computers. VIRUS always requires human action or interaction to infect systems. Let’s now study about different types of Virus and what resources they affect.

Types of Computer VIRUS

1. Browser Hijacker:

Have you ever opened your browser and noticed that all of its settings have changed? These settings include but not restricted to the URL of the home page, favorites and even the default search engine. Well, this is the case of a Browser Hijacker. It is called so because it simply hijacks your browser to alter its settings and also redirect to a phishing site or to display advance.

Browser hijackers are used by hackers to earn some good amount of money. For example, a browser hijacker named CoolWebSearch infected victim’s browsers and redirected the homepage and search results to the links the hackers wanted. Every time a victim clicked on these links, the hacker was paid money.

2. Web scripting virus:

A web scripting is a virus that exploits vulnerabilities in browser to infect web pages or websites and inject malicious code. This virus is useful to send spam or for stealing cookies.

3. File Infector virus:

One of the most common viruses, file infector virus infects files and copies itself into other executable programs such as .COM and EXE files. Some file infecting viruses infect critical system files too thus affecting the operating system.

4. Macro virus:

Macro virus is a virus that is written in the language of Microsoft Office macros or Excel Macros. They are embedded into a Word document on Excel file

5. Direct Action virus:

Also known as Non-resident virus, this type of virus directly connects itself to executables like EXE and COM file. This virus is also known as Non-resident Virus as it doesn’t install itself on the target system. Direct Action Virus becomes active only when the victim executes the file.

6. Resident virus:

Resident virus install itself in the memory to the system and then from there, infects other files while they are opened by the users.

7. Boot Sector virus:

This type of virus infects the Master Boot Sector of the hard disk or a USB drive. Master Boots Record (MBR) is the boot sector that is located at the very beginning of partition table. It contains information about operating system’s location and how it can be booted. Once this section is infected, the infected system will face bootup problems etc.

8. Multipartite virus:

A virus that uses multiple methods to infect the target system is known as multipartite virus.

9. Polymorphic virus:

A polymorphic virus or metamorphic virus is a virus that constantly changes its appearance or signature files to avoid detection.

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Malware guide for absolute beginners

Hello, aspiring ethical hackers. This blogpost is intended to be a beginner’s guide to malware. This blogpost will teach you what is malware, its purpose, types of malware and functions of malware.

What is Malware?

Malware stands for malicious software. So, any software that performs malicious actions on a computer or mobile is called as malware. These malicious actions include showing persistent popups, encrypting data, stealing data, deleting data, capturing sensitive information and making the target system completely unusable etc. Based on its functions, and purpose malware can be classified into various types.

Types of Malware


Often used interchangeably with malware, virus is the most popular malware you may encounter in cyber security. Just like its pathological namesake, virus attaches itself to an executable or program to propagate or infect computer. Virus always requires human action to infect system.

According to Discovery, the first virus is the Creeper program. It was created by Bob Thomas in 1971. It was actually designed as a security test to see if a self-replicating program will be successful. The function of Creeper was to just display a simple message on computer if infected.

The most popular (or should I say unpopular) virus should be ILOVEYOU virus. Released in 2000, ILOVEYOU infected over ten million Windows computers. It started spreading as an email message with subject line “I LOVE YOU” and contained an attachment with name “LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.TXT.VBS. When the recipient clicked on this attachment, a Visual Basic script activated and over writes files on the infected system. Then, it sent itself to all the email addresses in the Windows Address Book. It is estimate that the cost of this simple virus was at least $15 billion.


A computer worm is a type of malware that unlike virus doesn’t need any human action or interaction to infect target systems. Usually a computer worm spreads by exploiting vulnerability on the target systems. They also have no need to attach themselves to any program or executable.

Morris worm is considered to be the first worm to spread over the internet. It was created by Robert Tappan Morris and it caused a loss of over $100,000 and $10,000,000. It infected over 2000 computers within 15 hours. Morris worm spread by exploiting vulnerabilities like holes in the debug mode of the Unix send mail program, a buffer overflow vulnerability in finger network service. Rexec and Rsh accounts with weak or no password at all.

The most unpopular worm should definitely be Stuxnet. Released in 2010 and accused of sabotaging nuclear program of Iran, Stuxnet was designed to target programmable logic controllers (PLCs).  These PLC’s allow automation of electromechanical process used by control machines and industrial processes (for example, gas centrifuge that are used to separate nuclear material). Stuxnet spread by exploiting 4 Zero-day vulnerabilities in Siemens setup7 software installed on Windows systems. Stuxnet infected almost over 2,00,000 computers and destroyed at least 100 machines.


A Trojan acts as some other file (usually benign, genuine and harmless) but performs malicious actions. The name is a reference to the Trojan horse (the large wooden horse) assumed by Trojans as gift given by Greeks to Troy. However, when the horse was let into the kingdom, Greek soldiers hiding inside the horse came out and ransacked Troy. (you should watch Troy movie).

Just like viruses, Trojans also need victims to click on Trojan to be activated and most users fall victim to trojans thinking that they are genuine files. ANIMAL, a program released in 1975 is generally considered the world’s first Trojan. It fooled victims by presenting itself as a simple game of 20 questions. When user clicked on it, it copied itself to shared directories to be found by other victims.

According to me, the most dangerous Trojan was Zeus. Zeus is a banking Trojan used to steal banking information. It is spread by drive by downloads and phishing in 2003. It is estimated that Zeus infected over 74,000 FTP accounts.


Adware stands for Advertising malware. Have you ever experienced you are viewing something in your favorite browser and you are being incessantly bombarded with ads, especially ads which you did not and never wanted? If you had that experience you have encountered adware and if you didn’t it is thanks to ad blockers enabled by almost all browsers. Note that Adware is sometimes genuine too.


Spyware is short for spying software and now you know what it does. It spies and gathers information about a user or organization. Spyware may be present in even legitimate software. The first recorded spyware is considered to be a freeware game called “Elf Bowling” as it came bundled with tracking software.

The most popular spyware seen recently should be Pegasus spyware. This spyware developed by Israeli cyber arms firm NSO Group installs not just covertly but remotely on mobile phones running IOS and Android and that too using a Zero-click exploit. Once installed on a device, Pegasus can read text messages, snoop on calls, collect credentials, track location of the device, access device’s cameras and microphone and harvest information from apps installed on the target device.


Keylogger is a malicious software that records keystrokes a user types into computer on mobiles. The first keylogger used in real world was allegedly distributed with Grand Theft Auto V mod in 2015. Recently, a keylogger named Snake keylogger was detected being distributed with Microsoft Excel sample. Snake keylogger first appeared in late 2020.


Rootkit is a malicious software that is designed to enable access to a computer in a way that is not usually possible to an authorized user. Simply put, Rootkit gives SYSTEM level access. As if this is not enough, Rootkit is undetectable once installed, unlike other types of malware. The term “Rootkit” is a combination of root (the most privileged account on Unix system and “kit”. This is because rootkits usually give ‘root’ level access to the target system.

The first malicious rootkit appeared in 1999 and it affected Windows NT OS.  In 2012, a rootkit named Flame was detected. Flame affected over 80 servers around the world and is considered one of the dangerous rootkits.


A backdoor is a type of malware that provides access to a system bypassing normal security measures that usually prevent access. For example, if you can access a system without providing any login or need of credentials, you have a Backdoor access. Usually, hackers install backdoor after gaining complete access to the system to have unhindered and continuous access in future.

In 1998, a U.S hacker group “Cult of the Dead cow” designed a backdoor named “Back Orifice” that enables a user to control a computer remotely. In 2014, multiple backdoors were detected in WordPress. These backdoors were WordPress plugins with an obfuscated JavaScript code.


A BOT is a shortcut for Robot and it is an automated piece of code that performs predefined tasks. Malicious Bots as normally used to infect a system and make them a part of a Botnet which can then be used to perform DDOS attacks.

In 2007, all botnet attack called Cutwail attacked Windows systems using a trojan named Pushdo which infected Windows systems to make them part of the Cutwail botnet. This botnet had over 1.5 to 2 million computers. The most famous BOT malware should be MIRAI. MIRAI is designed to infect smart devices that run on ARC processes.


Ransomware is a malicious software that locks victim’s computers or encrypts the victim’s files or permanently block access to the victim’s system. Its called ransomware as the key to decrypt the data or access the system is not provided unless a ransom is paid.

The first known ransomware was AIDS Trojan. It’s payload hid the files on the victim’s hard drive and encrypted their names. The most dangerous & popular ransomware attack was WannaCry in 2017. WannaCry ransomware spread by exploiting EternalBlue vulnerability and it infected over 2,30,000 computers within one day.

This score depends on the additional work that has to be put by attacker to exploit the vulnerability. For example, exploiting EternalBlue does not need any additional work by attacker whereas to performing a Man-In middle attack requires additional work from the attacker. Usually, the additional work the attacker puts depends on factors which are out of control of the attacker.


Crypto mining malware or cryptojacker is a malicious software that targets computer sources and mines crypto currencies like Bitcoin. Cryptominers are rather new in the evolution of malware. Their growth directly grew with the growth in popularity of crypto currencies.

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Vulnerability scoring for beginners

Hello, aspiring Ethical Hackers. In our previous blogpost, you studied what is a vulnerability and different types of vulnerability scanning. In this blogpost, you will learn how is vulnerability scoring given and how are vulnerabilities scored.

What is vulnerability scoring?

Every time a vulnerability is identified or detected, its severity is needs to be estimated to understand the impact of this vulnerability after it is exploited. Based on this severity, a score is given to it.

How is this score given?

To give this scoring, an open framework named Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) is used. CVSS provides a numerical representation (ranging from 0 to 10) to the security vulnerability.

CVSS is maintained by the Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST), which is a USA based nonprofit organization. Members of this organization come from all around the globe. Cybersecurity professionals of any organization use CVSS scores for vulnerability management and remediating them.

How CVSS scoring works?

A CVSS score is assigned to a vulnerability by considering three metrics. They are:

A. Base
B. Temporal and
C. Environmental.

A. CVSS Base Metrics

The base metrics of CVSS represent the characteristics of the vulnerability itself. These characteristics never change with time or any protection put in place by any organization to prevent its exploitation. CVSS base metrics comprise of three sub score elements. They are, 1) Exploitability 2) Scope and 3) Impact.

1. Exploitability

The sub-score exploitability is made up of four sub-components.

i). Attack Vector:

The score of attack vector is based on the level of access that is required to exploit the vulnerability. If the vulnerability can be exploited remotely, the score is higher and if local access is required to exploit the vulnerability, the score is lower. For example, ms08-67 has higher score than malicious USB attack.

ii). Attack Complexity:

This score depends on the additional work that has to be put by attacker to exploit the vulnerability. For example, exploiting EternalBlue does not need any additional work by attacker whereas to performing a Man-In middle attack requires additional work from the attacker. Usually, the additional work the attacker puts depends on factors which are out of control of the attacker.

iii). Privileges required:

This score depends on the privileges required to exploit the particular vulnerability. If the exploitation doesn’t need any credentials or privileges, its score is high and if he needs privileges or authentication, the score is low. For example, Spring4shell vulnerability has higher score then Dirtypipe vulnerability

iv). User Interaction:

This score depends on the level of user interaction needed to exploit the vulnerability. If the attacker can exploit a vulnerability without user interaction, the score is high whereas if attacker needs user interaction the score is low. For example, Heartbleed has higher score than ms14-100, Follina or Macro attack.

2. Scope

The second base metric of CVSS is “Scope” which relates to the reach of the vulnerability. In simple words, when a vulnerability in a component is exploited, does it affect other components? If exploitation of vulnerability in one component affects the operating system or a database, the CVSS score is higher and in the opposite case, it is lower. For example, SQL injection has higher score than Cross Site scripting.

3. Impact

Impact is the actual affect that occurs when a vulnerability is exploited. The sub metric “Impact” has three sub-components. They are: Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability.

i). Confidentiality:

This score depends on the amount of data the attacker gains access to after exploiting the vulnerability. The score is higher if all the data on the exploited system is accessed by attacker and lower if little to no data is accessed.

ii). Integrity:

This score depends on the ability of attacker to make changes on the system by exploiting a particular vulnerability. If the attacker can completely alter the exploited system, this score is high and if he can make few or no changes at all, this score is low.

iii). Availability:

This score depends on the availability of the system to authorized users after being exploited. If a system is not accessible to authorized users after exploitation, the score is high.

B. CVSS Temporal Metrics

The meaning of English word “Temporal” is temporary or constantly changing. Similarly, the CVSS temporal metrics of a vulnerability constantly change.

When a vulnerability is just disclosed, the chances of some one exploiting it are there but a little low. When a Proof-Of-Concept (POC) exploit is released, the chances increase, sometimes exponentially, As the POC exploit is further improved, the chances increase more. As patches and fixes are released, the exploitation attempts fall. As you can see the exploitation of a vulnerability constantly changing with time. CVSS Temporal metrics have three sub-components. They are, Exploit code maturity, Remediation level and Report Confidence.

1. Exploit code maturity

As the code of the exploit of the vulnerability becomes more stable and widely available, this score will increase.

2. Remediation Level

This score is more when the vulnerability is discovered, but as fixes and patches are applied this score keeps decreasing. If the vulnerability is fixed completely, this score decreases further.

3. Report confidence

This sub metric measures the level of validation that demonstrates that a vulnerability is valid and can be exploited by attackers.

C. CVSS Environmental Metrics

Environmental metrics of CVSS are used to allow an organization to modify the base CVSS score based on security Requirements and modification of Base metrics.

1. Security requirements

Security Requirements are used to characterize the asset in which a vulnerability is reported. For example, a vulnerability affecting the database server gets higher score that a vulnerability in a software being used on one of the workstations by an employee of the organization.

2. Modified Base Metrics

An organization or company changes the values of the Base CVSS metrics after putting some fixes, mitigations or patches. For example, we have discussed some vulnerabilities above which can be exploited remotely. If the system having that vulnerability is disconnected from the internet, the score can be decreased.

That’s how vulnerability scoring is assigned to vulnerabilities.

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OSI Model for beginners

Hello aspiring Ethical Hackers. In this blogpost you will learn about the OSI model.  The OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) Model is a theoretical framework for the design and implementation of computer networks. It was developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and is used as a reference for the design of communication protocols and communication interfaces. As an ethical hacker, you need to have a proper understanding about basic structure of networks and the protocols and frameworks guiding it.  The importance of the OSI Model lies in its ability to provide a common language for the design and implementation of computer networks.

OSI model

In OSI Model, the network is divided into seven layers. These layers from bottom to top are the Physical Layer, Data Link Layer, Network Layer, Transport Layer, Session Layer, Presentation Layer, and Application Layer. In this article, we will explore each of these layers in more detail.

OSI model for beginners

The OSI model outlines the process of transmitting information from a network device such as a router to its final destination via a physical medium and how the communication with the application is managed. In simpler terms, it establishes a standardized method of communication between various systems. It helps to ensure that communication between different computer systems is possible by breaking down the communication process into seven distinct layers, each with its own set of protocols and functions.

The seven layers of the OSI Model, from bottom to top, are the Physical Layer, Data Link Layer, Network Layer, Transport Layer, Session Layer, Presentation Layer, and Application Layer. In this article, we will explore each of these layers in more detail.

Layer 1: Physical Layer

The Physical Layer is the first layer of the OSI Model and is concerned with the physical transmission of data between computers. It defines the electrical, mechanical, and functional specifications for the physical connection between devices.

The role of the Physical Layer in networking is to provide a stable and reliable connection between devices by specifying the electrical, mechanical, and functional requirements for data transmission. It also ensures that data is transmitted in a manner that is consistent with the data format defined in the other layers of the OSI Model.

The Physical Layer is responsible for several key functions, including:

  • Establishing and maintaining a physical connection between devices
  • Defining the electrical and mechanical specifications for data transmission
  • Encoding and decoding data for transmission
  • Defining the physical characteristics of the transmission medium

Some examples of Physical Layer technologies include Ethernet, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth.

Layer 2: Data Link Layer

The Data Link Layer is the second layer of the OSI Model and is concerned with the delivery of data frames between computers. It provides error detection and correction functions and defines the format of the data frames that are transmitted between devices.

The role of the Data Link Layer in networking is to provide reliable data transmission by ensuring that data frames are delivered to the destination device in a timely and accurate manner. It also provides error detection and correction functions, which help to ensure the accuracy of the data that is transmitted.

The Data Link Layer is responsible for several key functions, including:

  • Defining the format of the data frames that are transmitted between devices
  • Error detection and correction
  • Flow control and media access control
  • Media-independent transmission of data frames

Layer 3: Network Layer

The Network Layer is the third layer of the OSI Model and is concerned with the routing of data between computer networks. It provides the means for transmitting data from one network to another and ensures that data is delivered to its intended destination.

The role of the Network Layer in networking is to provide an efficient and reliable means of transmitting data between computer networks. It also ensures that data is delivered to its intended destination by routing it through the network in an efficient and effective manner.

The Network Layer is responsible for several key functions, including:

  • Routing data between computer networks
  • Providing end-to-end connectivity between devices
  • Encapsulating data for transmission between networks
  • Ensuring the reliability and efficiency of data transmission

Some examples of Network Layer technologies include IP (Internet Protocol) and ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol).

Layer 4: Transport Layer

The Transport Layer is the fourth layer of the OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) Model and is responsible for reliable data transfer between end systems. It is the layer that divides data into manageable segments and ensures that each segment reaches its destination without any errors or lost data.

The Transport Layer is critical to the functioning of a network as it ensures the reliability of data transmission. It does this by dividing data into segments, which are then transmitted and reassembled at the destination end. This layer also provides flow control, which prevents the sender from overwhelming the receiver, and error control, which detects and corrects any errors that may occur during transmission.

The Transport Layer performs several key functions, including:

  • Segmentation: The Transport Layer divides data into segments for transmission.
  • Flow Control: This function ensures that data is transmitted at a rate that the receiver can handle.
  • Error Control: The Transport Layer checks for errors in the data and ensures that any errors are corrected.
  • End-to-End Connectivity: The Transport Layer provides end-to-end connectivity between applications running on different end systems.

There are two main types of Transport Layer protocols:

  • TCP (Transmission Control Protocol): This is a reliable, connection-oriented protocol that ensures that data is transmitted accurately and completely.
  • UDP (User Datagram Protocol): This is an unreliable, connectionless protocol that does not guarantee the delivery or accuracy of data. It is used for applications that do not require reliable data transmission, such as video streaming.

Layer 5: Session Layer

The Session Layer is the fifth layer of the OSI Model and is responsible for establishing, managing, and terminating communication sessions between applications. A session is a continuous exchange of information between two applications and can involve multiple data transfers.

The Session Layer provides a framework for applications to communicate with each other. It coordinates the communication process between the applications and ensures that the data is transmitted in an orderly and synchronized manner. The Session Layer also ensures that the communication between the applications is maintained until it is terminated by either the sender or the receiver.

The Session Layer performs several key functions, including:

  • Session Establishment: The Session Layer establishes a communication session between two applications.
  • Session Management: The Session Layer manages the communication session by maintaining the synchronization of data transfer.
  • Session Termination: The Session Layer terminates the communication session when it is no longer needed.

There are several Session Layer protocols, including:

  • NFS (Network File System): This is a popular protocol for sharing files over a network.
  • RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol): This is a protocol for remote access to a desktop.
  • SSH (Secure Shell): This is a protocol for secure remote access to a computer.

Layer 6: Presentation Layer

The Presentation Layer is the sixth layer of the OSI Model and is responsible for providing a common format for data exchange between applications. The Presentation Layer is responsible for converting data from the Application Layer into a standardized format that can be understood by both the sender and receiver.

The Presentation Layer is responsible for data representation and encryption/decryption of data. It ensures that the data transmitted between applications is in a standard format and can be understood by both the sender and receiver. The Presentation Layer also provides a means for data compression and decompression to reduce the amount of data transmitted over the network.

The Presentation Layer performs several key functions, including:

  • Data Conversion: The Presentation Layer converts data from the Application Layer into a standard format that can be understood by both the sender and receiver.
  • Data Compression/Decompression: The Presentation Layer can compress data to reduce its size for transmission over the network and decompress it for use by the recipient.
  • Data Encryption/Decryption: The Presentation Layer can encrypt data for transmission over the network and decrypt it for use by the recipient.

There are several Presentation Layer protocols, including:

  • MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions): This is a protocol for the representation of multimedia content.
  • SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and TLS (Transport Layer Security): These are protocols for securing data transmission over the internet.

Layer 7: Application Layer

The Application Layer is the top layer of the OSI Model and is responsible for providing a user interface for network applications. It is the interface between the network and the user, allowing applications to request and receive network services.

The Application Layer is responsible for providing network services to applications. It is the interface between the network and the user, allowing applications to request and receive network services. The Application Layer provides a means for applications to interact with the network and access the services provided by the lower layers of the OSI Model.

The Application Layer performs several key functions, including:

  • Network Services: The Application Layer provides network services to applications, including file transfer, email, and other network-based applications.
  • User Interface: The Application Layer provides a user interface for network applications, allowing the user to interact with the network.
  • Network Resource Access: The Application Layer provides a means for applications to access network resources, such as databases or file servers.

There are several Application Layer protocols, including:

  • HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol): This is the primary protocol used for web browsing and web application access.
  • FTP (File Transfer Protocol): This is a protocol for transferring files between systems.
  • SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol): This is a protocol for sending email.

In conclusion, the Application Layer is the top layer of the OSI Model and is responsible for providing network services to applications. Its functions of network services, user interface, and network resource access provide a means for applications to interact with the network and access the services provided by the lower layers of the OSI Model. The Application Layer is crucial for the operation of network-based applications and services.

The OSI Model in Real-World Networking

The OSI Model is widely used in real-world networking, as it provides a standardized framework for understanding and designing networks.

This model is used in a wide variety of applications, including:

1. Network Design:

The OSI Model is used as a reference for network design, helping network engineers to understand the various components and protocols involved in a network.

2. Network Troubleshooting:

The OSI Model provides a standardized framework for troubleshooting network problems, making it easier for network technicians to diagnose and resolve issues.

3. Network Optimization:

The OSI Model is used to optimize network performance by helping network engineers to identify bottlenecks and other performance issues.

4. Importance of understanding the OSI Model for network technicians:

Understanding the OSI Model is critical for network technicians, as it provides a standardized framework for network design and troubleshooting. Network technicians who understand the OSI Model are better equipped to diagnose and resolve network problems, as well as to design and optimize network performance.

Advantages of OSI Model

There are several advantages to using the OSI Model for network design and troubleshooting, including:

Standardization: The OSI Model provides a standardized framework for network design, making it easier for network engineers to understand the various components and protocols involved in a network.

Modularity: The OSI Model is modular in design, making it easier for network engineers to understand the different layers and protocols involved in a network.

Troubleshooting: The OSI Model provides a standardized framework for troubleshooting network problems, making it easier for network technicians to diagnose and resolve issues.

Understanding the OSI Model is essential for anyone working in the field of computer networking. This standardized framework provides a means of understanding and designing networks, as well as diagnosing and resolving network problems. Network technicians who understand the OSI Model are better equipped to optimize network performance and provide network services to users.

In conclusion, the OSI Model is a critical component of computer networking, providing a standardized framework for understanding and designing networks. Network technicians who understand the OSI Model are better equipped to diagnose and resolve network problems, as well as to design and optimize network performance.

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How Windows authentication works?

Hello, aspiring ethical hackers. In this article, you will learn how Windows authentication works?  Our readers have seen multiple instances where we have dumped Windows password hashes as part of our hacking tutorials. This should have brought some pertinent questions in the minds of the readers.
As to know how hashdump command of meterpreter, Mimikatz and cachedump module of Metasploit dump credential hashes, where are these hashes stored and why are they in the form of hashes, readers need  to get a deep understanding of how Windows authentication works.

                Windows Logon Process starts as soon as you go to the Login Screen of a Windows system. The Logon Process is different in different network scenarios for Windows. There are two network types into which  a Windows system can be configured. They are,

  1. WorkGroup
  2. Domain

Windows systems in Workgroup network use Local Authentication whereas Windows systems connected in Domain network use Remote Authentication.

How Local Authentication works in Windows?

Let’s first see how Local Authentication takes place. In local authentication, the password hash is stored on the same computer on which users are trying to log on.
 In Windows, the passwords are stored in the form of a hash in a file known as Security Accounts Manager (SAM) file. The SAM file is located in  %SystemRoot%/system32/config/SAM location and it can neither be deleted nor copied while Windows is running.
This is because the Windows kernel obtains and keeps an exclusive filesystem lock on the SAM file which it will release only after the operating system has shut down or a “Blue Screen of Death” exception has been thrown. It is mounted on HKLM/SAM and SYSTEM privileges are required to view it. Readers have already learnt that passwords are stored in SAM file in encrypted form. These passwords are stored in two hash formats in SAM file.

1. Lan Manager Hash (LM Hash)                                       

2. New Technology Lan Manager Hash (NTLM Hash)

LAN Manager Hash

Lan Manager Hashing was used by Windows operating systems prior to Windows NT 3.1. In LM hashing, the password hash is computed as follows,

a. The user’s password is restricted to a maximum of fourteen characters.  
b. The password of the user is converted to Uppercase.
c. Then user’s password is encoded in the System OEM code page.  
d. This password is NULL-padded to 14 bytes.  
e. This 14 bytes “fixed-length” password is then split into two 7-byte halves.  
f. Both of these 7-byte halves are used to create two DES keys, one from each 7-byte half. This is done by converting the seven bytes into a bit stream with the most significant bit first and then inserting a parity bit after every seven bits (so 1010100 becomes 10101000). This is done to generate the 64 bits needed for a DES key.  
g. Each of this two keys is used to DES-encrypt the constant ASCII string “KGS!@#$%” resulting in two 8-byte ciphertext values.  
h. These two ciphertext values are then concatenated to form a 16-byte value, which is the final LM hash.

how windows authentication works

Security of LAN Manager Hash

LM Hash has several weaknesses. The major weaknesses are :

1. The maximum length of Password while using LM authentication can only be 14 characters.
2. All passwords in LM hash are converted into UPPERCASE before generating the hash value. This means LM hash treats ABcd1234, ABCD1234 and abCD1234 and AbCd1234 as same as ABCD1234. This reduces the LM hash key space to just 69 characters.
3. As already explained above, 14 character password is broken into two halves of 7 characters e- ach and then the LM hash is calculated for each half separately. This makes it easier to crack a LM hash, as the attacker only needs to brute-force 7 characters twice instead of the full 14 charact- ers.
4. As of 2020, a computer equipped with a high-end graphics processor (GPUs) can compute 40 billion LM-hashes per second. At that rate, all 7-character passwords from the 95-character set can be tested and broken in half an hour; all 7-character alphanumeric passwords can be tested and broken in 2 seconds.
5. If the password created is 7 characters or less than that, then the second half of hash will alway- s produce same constant value which is (0xAAD3B435B51404EE). Therefore, if a password is les- s than or equal to 7 characters long, it can easily be identified even without using any tools.
6. While using Remote Login over a network, the LM hash value is sent to servers without any salting, thus making it vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks.
7. Without salting, it is also vulnerable to Rainbow Table Attack.
To overcome this weaknesses, Microsoft Starting with Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008, Microsoft disabled the LM hash by default.

NT Hash

Also called NTLM, this is the hash many modern Windows systems store the password hashes. Introduced in 1993. The process of calculating NT Hash is,

1. The password is converted into Unicode characters.
2. Then MD4 encryption is run on these converted characters to get the NT hash which is then stored in SAM database or NTDS file (Domain). NTHash is case sensitive but it still doesn’t provide salting.

The Local Logon Process

1. The Windows authentication process starts from the Windows Login screen. LogonUI.exe han- dles the process by displaying  correct logon input boxes depending on the authenticator put in place. 
2. When users enter the password on the login interface, winlogon.exe collects those credentials and  passes them to the  lsass.exe (Local Security Authority Subsystem Service). Winlogon.exe is the executable file responsible for managing secure user interactions. The Winlogon service initiat -es the logon process for Windows operating systems by passing the credentials collected by user action to Lsass.
 3. LsaLogonUser supports interactive logons, service logons, and network logons. The LsaLogon User API authenticates users by calling an authentication package which is most probably MSV1_ 0 (MSV) authentication package which is included with Windows NT. 
4. The MSV authentication package is divided into two parts. In Local authentication, both parts run on the same computer. The first part of the MSV authentication package calls the second part.
5. The first part of the MSV authentication package converts the clear-text password both to a LAN Manager Hash and to a Windows NT hash. The second part then queries the SAM databas- e for the password hashes and makes sure that they are identical.
6. If the hash is identical, access is granted.

How Windows Domain Authentication takes place?

1. The Windows authentication process starts from the Windows Login screen. LogonUI.exe handles the process by displaying correct logon input boxes depending on the authenticator put in place. 
2. When users enter the password on the login interface, winlogon.exe collects those credentials and  passes them to the  lsass.exe (Local Security Authority Subsystem Service). Winlogon.exe is the executable file responsible for managing secure user interactions. The Winlogon service initiates the logon process for Windows operating systems by passing the credentials collected by user action to Lsass.
3. LsaLogonUser supports interactive logons, service logons, and network logons. The LsaLogon User API authenticates users by calling an authentication package which is most probably MSV1_ 0 (MSV) authentication package which is included with Windows NT. 
4. The MSV authentication package is divided into two parts. The first part of the MSV authentication package runs on the computer that is being connected to and the second part runs on the computer that contains the user account. When the first part of the MSV authentication package recognizes that network authentication is required because the domain name passed is not its own domain name, it passes the request to the Netlogon service. Netlogon service is a Authentication Mechanism used in the Windows Client Authentication Architecture that is used to verify logon requests. It registers, authenticates and locates Domain Controllers. It’s functions include,

     a. Selecting the domain to pass the authentication request to.

     b. Selecting  the server within the domain.

     c. Passing the authentication request through to the selected server.

5. The Netlogon service (client computer) then forwards the login request to the Netlogon service on the destination computer (i.e domain controller). 
6. In turn, the Netlogon service passes the request to the second part of the MSV authentication package on that destination computer.
7. First, the second part queries the password hashes from the SAM database or from the Active Directory database. Then, the second part computes the challenge response by using the password hash from the database and the challenge that was passed in. The second part then compares the computed challenge response to passed-in challenge response.
8. If the hash is identical, access is granted.

That was all about how Windows authentication.