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Beginners guide to Hercules Framework

Hello, aspiring ethical hackers. In our previous blogpost, you learnt what are payload generators. In this blogpost, you will learn about a payload generator that enables you bypass Antivirus on the target system. This is Hercules framework. HERCULES is a customizable payload generator that can bypass antivirus software. Let’s see how it works.

Let’s start by cloning Hercules framework from github as shown below.


After cloning, a new directory with name HERCULES will be created. Move into that directory and do a “ls”. We should see a file named “Setup”. First change the permissions of this file using chmod as shown below. Once we get execute permissions on the Setup file, execute the file using command “./Setup“.


The setup automatically installs Hercules as shown below and


successfully ends as shown below. You have successfully installed Hercules framework in Kali Linux.


Type command “HERCULES” to start the framework. It’s interface looks like below. In this part, let’s generate a payload. Enter option “1”.

Image explaining about the usage of Hercules Framework for Windows exploitation

Select what type of payload you want to create. There are four payloads as shown below. I am choosing the first one. You can choose appropriately.


After we select the type of payload we want to create, we need to enter some options. Let us see the options it provides. LHOST and LPORT are self explanatory. Choosing Persistence function adds our running binary to Windows startup registry so that we can have persistent access to the target. Since we have already know how to create a persistent backdoor we will not enable it here.

Migration function triggers a loop that tries to migrate to a remote process. UPX ( Ultimate Packer for executables ) is an open source executable packer. To those newbies who have no idea what packers are, they are used to compress the executables. Software vendors also use them to obfuscate the code. We will see more about packers in our future howtos.

Concerning this howto, remember that enabling migration, persistence and UPX functions may increase the chances of your payload being detected by Antivirus.


Here I have only enabled the UPX function so the packing process begins as shown below.


Once the packing process is over, your final binary file is stored with the name you have given to it. I named it as “res”.


Next start the listener on Metasploit as shown below and send the binary file to our target. Once he clicks on our executable file, we will get the meterpreter session as shown below.


That’s how we use Hercules for generating Fully UnDetectable (FUD) payloads. Learn how to create FUD payloads using Veil Framework.

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Beginners guide to Arcanus Framework

Hello aspiring ethical hackers. In our previous blogpost, you learnt what is a payload and about what is a payload generator. In this blogpost, you will learn about one of the payload generators, Arcanus Framework. Arcanus is a customized payload generator that can generate payloads which are undetectable by almost all of the antiviruses (till date ). This could be very useful in penetration testing.

Let’s see how to use Arcanus Framework. To install this tool on Kali Linux, we need to install golang. Install Golang and then clone the Arcanus repository from Github as shown below.


Navigate to the ARCANUS directory created and view its contents. We should see a file ARCANUS_x86. Let’s first generate a Windows payload. We will generate a x_86 payload. First change its permissions as shown below.


Next run this file. You should see an ARCANUS logo as shown below.


You will see five options as shown below. Since we are generating a Windows payload, we will choose option 2.

Image explaining Windows hacking with Arcanus framework

It will prompt you to set the attacker system’s IP address ( in our case the address of Kali Linux ) and a port on which you want to start a listener for the reverse shell. Enter the values and hit “Enter”.


It will generate the payload and automatically start a listener as shown below.


The payload will be generated with the name “payload.exe” as shown below in the ARCANUS directory.


Next we need to send this payload to the victim using Social engineering. When the target user clicks on the payload we sent, we will get a shell on the target system as shown below.


That’ s all in Windows hacking with Arcanus. Now let’s see how to generate a payload for Linux target. Select the option 3 since we are generating a Linux payload.


The rest of the steps are same as generating a Windows payload. Enter your IP address (Kali Linux in this case) and the listening port as shown below.


It will generate the payload in the same directory start to automatically listen for a reverse shell as shown below.


Send the generated payload to our victim. When he executes it, we should get a shell on his system as shown below.

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Beginners guide to Veil framework

Hello, aspiring ethical hackers. In our previous blogpost, you learnt about some Antivirus bypass techniques used by hackers to keep their payloads undetected. In this blogpost, you will learn about Veil Framework, a tool to generate Metasploit payloads that can bypass common anti-virus solutions.

Veil framework is officially supported by Debian 8 and Kali Linux rolling 2018+. It may also be run on Arch Linux, Manjaro Linux, Black Arch Linux, Deepin 15+, Elementary, Fedora 22+, Linux Mint, Parrot Security, Ubuntu 15.10+ and Void Linux.

For this tutorial, we will be using Kali Linux. Veil framework can be installed either directly or can be downloaded from Github. Veil can be installed on Kali using apt as shown below.

Veil Framework 1
Veil Framework 2

This simple command will install all the dependencies and software Veil requires like Wine etc.

Veil Framework 3
Veil Framework 4
Veil Framework 5

After successful installation, Veil can be started using the command shown below.

Veil Framework 6
Veil Framework 7
Veil Framework 8

As you can see, Veil has two tools installed: Evasion and Ordnance. Let’s focus on the evasion part for this article. We can use the command shown below to the evasion tool.

Veil Framework 9
Veil Framework 10
Veil Framework 11

As you can see, Veil is saying that 41 payloads have been loaded and it is displaying the commands available in Veil Evasion menu. To see all the payloads veil can create, use command “list” as shown below.

Veil Framework 12
Veil Framework 13
Veil Framework 14
Veil Framework 15
Veil Framework 16
Veil Framework 17

You can select the payload you want to create as shown below. For example, here I want to create powershell/meterpreter/ payload. So, I use its number as shown below.

Veil Framework 18
Veil Framework 19

Along with payload information, the options required for this payload are also displayed along with the available commands.

Veil Framework 20
Veil Framework 21
Veil Framework 22
Veil Framework 23

The required options can be set just like Metasploit. For example, set lhost using command

Set lhost <attacker ip>

After all the options are set, we can create the payload using “generate” command.

Veil Framework 24
Veil Framework 25
Veil Framework 26

You will be prompted to give a name to your output payload. Click Enter to continue. The payload is successfully created as shown below.

Veil Framework 27
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Beginners guide to armitage

Hello, aspiring ethical hackers. In this blogpost, you will learn about Armitage. Armitage is the GUI (graphical user interface) version of the fantastic pen testing tool Metasploit. We all know Metasploit is an awesome tool for pen testing. However awesome it is, we need to type each and every command to run the exploit. What if we all can do the same pen testing with clicks and right clicks. There you have your answer, Armitage.

Armitage is installed by default in Kali Linux and it can be started using command “Armitage”. If it is not installed, ask itself to install it while the system prompts you to.

Armitage 1
Armitage 2

Armitage uses PostgreSQL database. So, we need to start the PostgreSQL service as shown below.

Armitage 2a

We also need to start the msfdb service.

Armitage 2b

Now, you are all ready to start Armitage, Type the same command you typed at the beginning “armitage” and you should see this. Armitage needs to connect to the Metasploit RPC server to work. Click on “Connect”.

Armitage 3

If you get the message shown below. Click on “yes”.

Armitage 4

If you get the message shown below, just hang on. Things may change soon.

Armitage 5

As shown below.

Armitage 6

If everything went right, you should see the window shown below.

Armitage 8

Welcome to Armitage, If you can see, Armitage has three sections. Section 1 should be familiar to you. The names should remind you of Metasploit. That’s because, that is exactly that but in graphical format. Section 2 is where you can see the visual display of Armitage, The visual representation of the network you are trying to pen test or hack is shown here. Section 3 named “console” is “metsaploit” itself. Now that you are familiar with all the sections of Armitage, let’s see the menus of Armitage.

Armitage 9
Armitage 10
Armitage 11
Armitage 12
Armitage 13

To start with Armitage, let’s first add our own attack machine to the display. To do this, we need to go to “Host” menu and click on “Add Host”.

Armitage 14

In the small window that is opened, add the IP address of the attacker machine and click on “Add”.

Armitage 15

Now, Armitage looks like this with our attacker machine shown on display. Now, let’s add the OS and give a name to our Attacker system so that we can easily detect it.

Armitage 16

Right click on the attacker system. Go to Host>Operating system>Linux as shown below.

Armitage 17

Similarly, to give name to your attacker systems, go to Host>set label. I named it Kali.

Armitage 18
Armitage 19

Since the attacker system is ready, we now need target system. For this tutorial, we will be using Windows XP SP2 as target. To get the target on armitage, all we need to do is perform a ping scan to detect the LIVE systems on the target network. To do this, go to Host menu> Nmap scan>Ping scan as shown below.

Armitage 20

Enter the IP address range to scan. This information is usually obtained during footprinting. You want to scan for LIVE systems.

Armitage 21

As soon as the scan is complete, the LIVE targets are displayed on the display of Armitage and you will be prompted with a message as shown below.

Armitage 22

As you can see here, the Ping scan as usual failed to detect the operating system of the target and even open ports too. Next, let’s scan for open ports on the target. To do this, go to Hosts>Nmap> Quick Scan.

Armitage 23

All the actions you perform are shown in console section. From the same menu, lets perform a comprehensive scan to detect the operating system of the target.

Armitage 24
Armitage 25

This time the operating system of target system id detected as Windows Next stage is to find some attacks related to it. To do this, go to Attacks menu>Find attacks.

Armitage 26
Armitage 27

As the message in the above image says, you will find a new menu named “Attack” on the target system now. If you don’t find the “Attack menu” on the target system, go to Armitage menu >Set Exploit rank. Set it to “poor” as shown below.

Armitage 28
Armitage 29

Find attacks again. This time you will see an Attack menu on the target system.

Armitage 30

Go to Attack menu and you will see all the exploits we can use on the target.

Armitage 31

I select the infamous ms08_067 vulnerability.

Armitage 32

A new window opens. This is just like the options on Metasploit whenever you load an exploit. The only difference is, here it is in graphical mode and you don’t have to change anything.

Armitage 33

Just click on “Launch”. If the target system is compromised, then the look of the target system changes as shown below.

Armitage 34 1