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Beginners guide to armitage

Hello, aspiring ethical hackers. In this blogpost, you will learn about Armitage. Armitage is the GUI (graphical user interface) version of the fantastic pen testing tool Metasploit. We all know Metasploit is an awesome tool for pen testing. However awesome it is, we need to type each and every command to run the exploit. What if we all can do the same pen testing with clicks and right clicks. There you have your answer, Armitage.

Armitage is installed by default in Kali Linux and it can be started using command “Armitage”. If it is not installed, ask itself to install it while the system prompts you to.

Armitage 1
Armitage 2

Armitage uses PostgreSQL database. So, we need to start the PostgreSQL service as shown below.

Armitage 2a

We also need to start the msfdb service.

Armitage 2b

Now, you are all ready to start Armitage, Type the same command you typed at the beginning “armitage” and you should see this. Armitage needs to connect to the Metasploit RPC server to work. Click on “Connect”.

Armitage 3

If you get the message shown below. Click on “yes”.

Armitage 4

If you get the message shown below, just hang on. Things may change soon.

Armitage 5

As shown below.

Armitage 6

If everything went right, you should see the window shown below.

Armitage 8

Welcome to Armitage, If you can see, Armitage has three sections. Section 1 should be familiar to you. The names should remind you of Metasploit. That’s because, that is exactly that but in graphical format. Section 2 is where you can see the visual display of Armitage, The visual representation of the network you are trying to pen test or hack is shown here. Section 3 named “console” is “metsaploit” itself. Now that you are familiar with all the sections of Armitage, let’s see the menus of Armitage.

Armitage 9
Armitage 10
Armitage 11
Armitage 12
Armitage 13

To start with Armitage, let’s first add our own attack machine to the display. To do this, we need to go to “Host” menu and click on “Add Host”.

Armitage 14

In the small window that is opened, add the IP address of the attacker machine and click on “Add”.

Armitage 15

Now, Armitage looks like this with our attacker machine shown on display. Now, let’s add the OS and give a name to our Attacker system so that we can easily detect it.

Armitage 16

Right click on the attacker system. Go to Host>Operating system>Linux as shown below.

Armitage 17

Similarly, to give name to your attacker systems, go to Host>set label. I named it Kali.

Armitage 18
Armitage 19

Since the attacker system is ready, we now need target system. For this tutorial, we will be using Windows XP SP2 as target. To get the target on armitage, all we need to do is perform a ping scan to detect the LIVE systems on the target network. To do this, go to Host menu> Nmap scan>Ping scan as shown below.

Armitage 20

Enter the IP address range to scan. This information is usually obtained during footprinting. You want to scan for LIVE systems.

Armitage 21

As soon as the scan is complete, the LIVE targets are displayed on the display of Armitage and you will be prompted with a message as shown below.

Armitage 22

As you can see here, the Ping scan as usual failed to detect the operating system of the target and even open ports too. Next, let’s scan for open ports on the target. To do this, go to Hosts>Nmap> Quick Scan.

Armitage 23

All the actions you perform are shown in console section. From the same menu, lets perform a comprehensive scan to detect the operating system of the target.

Armitage 24
Armitage 25

This time the operating system of target system id detected as Windows Next stage is to find some attacks related to it. To do this, go to Attacks menu>Find attacks.

Armitage 26
Armitage 27

As the message in the above image says, you will find a new menu named “Attack” on the target system now. If you don’t find the “Attack menu” on the target system, go to Armitage menu >Set Exploit rank. Set it to “poor” as shown below.

Armitage 28
Armitage 29

Find attacks again. This time you will see an Attack menu on the target system.

Armitage 30

Go to Attack menu and you will see all the exploits we can use on the target.

Armitage 31

I select the infamous ms08_067 vulnerability.

Armitage 32

A new window opens. This is just like the options on Metasploit whenever you load an exploit. The only difference is, here it is in graphical mode and you don’t have to change anything.

Armitage 33

Just click on “Launch”. If the target system is compromised, then the look of the target system changes as shown below.

Armitage 34 1
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Desktop phishing tutorial: Step by step guide

Hello aspiring ethical hackers. In our previous blogpost, you learnt about phishing. In this blogpost, you will learn about Desktop phishing.

What is Desktop phishing?

Desktop phishing is the same as phishing, the only difference being in the method hosting the files required for phishing. Whereas in phishing we upload our files to an external server, in desktop phishing we upload our files to the web server installed on our own desktop. Desktop phishing overcomes three disadvantages present in the traditional method of phishing.

One, however hard we may try, the URL will always looks suspicious in traditional method of phishing.


Two, modern day browsers are capable of detecting phishing sites.


Three, as soon as the webhosting provider detects that you are hosting a phishing webpage, he will suspend your account. This will most likely happen within 24 hours. Desktop phishing overcomes all these defects. So now, let’s see how to desktop phish. As already told, desktop phishing is same as traditional phishing, until the creation of phishing files which you can find here.Now Install Wamp Server on your Windows machine. Next, install a VPN on your system to keep your IP static. See here. We are going to host our phishing files on our desktop and redirect the victim to our site.

Copy our phishing files to the folder C:/wamp/www. This is the root directory of the Wamp server.


Here is the script of the “phish.php” we used.


Go to folder “C:/wamp/bin/apache/Apache 2.4.4/conf” and make changes to the ‘httpd.conf’ file as below. These changes give permission to external users to access your fake website.


Start your wamp server, open your browser and type localhost” in the url to see if your phishing site is working. Then open Notepad and create a batch file as shown below. We need to send this file to the victim machine and make him execute it. See how? Make sure you replace the IP address below with one assigned by VPN.


What the above script does is it changes the hosts file in the victim’s system to redirect to your fake website when user tries to access Facebook. Now, what is hosts file?

Hosts file is a text file located in the folder “C:/windows/system32/drivers/etc” which resolves IP addresses associated with domain names.


Usually when we try to visit any website say our system sends a query for it’s IP address to the DNS server. When we make an entry in the hosts file of our computer, the query is not sent to the DNS server. When the victim clicks on the executable sent by us, it changes the hosts file like below.


Now when victim types “” in his browser, he is redirected to our wamp server. Notice that the URL looks completely genuine and the browser didn’t detect it as a phishing site.

desktop phishing tutorial

When the unsuspecting victim enters his credentials,


a text file called pass .txt is created in the www directory.


Open the file and we can see the credentials.


That’s all in desktop phishing tutorial for beginners. See how to phish with Weeman Http server.

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Beginners guide to phishing

Hello, aspiring ethical hackers. In our previous article, you learnt what is social engineering. In this article, you will learn in detail about Phishing. Phishing is one of the most popular social engineering techniques. What exactly is phishing? Phishing is an act of presenting a fake page resembling the original webpage you intend to visit with the sole intention of stealing your credentials. This post demonstrates phishing tutorial for beginners. Although we make a phishing page of Facebook in this tutorial, it can be used to make a phishing page of any website. So now let’s phish.

Open your browser, go to the Facebook website, Right click on the webpage and click on “view page source”.


The source of the web page is displayed in the browser. Right click on the page and click on “Save As”. Save the page as “index.html”on your computer.


Now open index.html using notepad and hit CTRL+F”.In the Find box opened, type “action” and click on “Find Next”. Look at the value of action. This “action” specifies the website what to do after users enter credentials and submit those.


Now change the value of action to “phish.php”. We are doing this so when the user enters his credentials the page that loads will be “phish.php” and not the usual page Facebook loads.


Now let’s create the page phish.php. Open Notepad and type the following script into it and save it as “phish.php”. What this script does is it logs the user credentials and saves it to a file named “pass.txt”.


Now our files are ready. Next step is to upload these files to any free web hosting site available on the internet. Google for free web hosting sites, select any one of them(I selected bytehost7), create an account with username as close to Facebook as possible and delete the index.html file available in the htdocs folder. Then using Online File Management upload your own index.html and phish.php files to the htdocs folder. Your htdocs folder will look like below.


Let’s check if our phishing page is ready by typing the address of our site. If the page is like below, then our phishing page is working.


The next thing we have to do is to send address of our fake website to the victim. We will do this through sending him an email but in order for the victim not to smell something fishy, we will obfuscate the URL of the fake page we are about to send him. The sending email address should be as convincingly close to Facebook as possible.


When the victim clicks on the obfuscated URL, it will bring him to our fake site.


If the victim is not cautious enough as to observing the URL and enters his username and password, our attempt is a success. To show this, I will enter random values in both username field and password field and hit Enter.

phishing tutorial

Now a txt file with name pass.txt will be created in the htdocs folder containing both the username and the password.


Click on the file. We can see both the email and the password i have entered. The email is “don’t get hacked” and the password is “like me”.


See how to phish with Weeman HTTP Server and GoPhish.