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How to install Parrot OS in VMware

Hello aspiring ethical hackers. In this article, you will learn how to install Parrot OS in VMware. Parrot OS is an operating system designed for pen testing similar to Kali Linux. It is free and open source GNU/Linux distribution based on Debian designed for security experts, developers and privacy aware people. It includes a full portable arsenal for IT security and digital forensics operations. It also includes everything you need to develop your own programs or protect your privacy while surfing the net.

There are two ways of installing Parrot OS in VMware. They are,

  1. Using a OVA file
  2. Using a ISO file

1.Installing Parrot OS using a OVA file

Let’s first see how to install Parrot OS in VMWare using the OVA file provided by the makers of Parrot OS. You can download the OVA file of Parrot Security OS from the “virtual” section here. Once the OVA file is finished downloading, Open VMWare and click on “Open”.

Enable the checkbox to accept the terms and conditions and click on “Next”.

In the new window that opens, browse to the OVA file you downloaded and click on “Import”.

If you get an “import failed” error as shown below, click on “Retry”.

The import process should start as shown below.

Once the importing process is finished, power on the virtual machine.

The installation is finished.

2. Installing Parrot OS using a ISO file

Now, let’s see how to install Parrot OS using an ISO file. Download the LIVE image from the Parrot Security OS page. Once the download is finished, open VMware Workstation (Version 12 used for this article) and hit “CTRL+N”. The below window should open.

Make sure the “Typical” option is selected and click on “Next”. That takes us to the next window. Initially, the “installer disc image file” field should be empty. Click on “browse” and navigate to the location of the ISO file we just downloaded and select it. Now the window should look like below. Click on “Next”.

The guest operating system should be automatically selected for you. If not, select Linux as OS and version as Debian 8.x (since I am installing a 32bit OS, make it Debian 8.x64 if you are installing 64bit OS). Click on “Next”.

Choose the name of virtual machine and its location as you like. I named it “Parrot”. Click on “Next”.

Allocate the hard disk memory for your virtual machine. Keep the minimum as 20GB. Click on Finish.

It will show you a summary of all the selections you made. If you want to make any changes, click on “Customize hardware” button. Otherwise, click on “Next”.

The virtual machine is created with the name you gave it. Power on the virtual machine. It will boot and take you to the interface shown below. Choose the “Install” option. In the next window select “Standard Installer”. You can select these options using “tab” button.

Select the language in which you want to continue the installation process. Here, I chose English.

Select your country. I chose location as India.

Select the keyboard configuration you want.

It is important to set the root password for the machine before we do anything. Set a complex password. Read the suggestions before you set the root password.

Re-enter the root password again to confirm it.

Although you have a root account, it is good practice to use the system as a non root user. The system will prompt you to create a new user account for non-administrative activities. I am creating a user with name “kalyan”. I am giving the same name as username.

Create a password for the user account you just created (non-root user). Make it a good password for security reasons.

Re-type the password again to confirm the password you have assigned.

The next step is partitioning the hard disk. Unless you are an expert or want to try something different, use the entire disk.

The system will warn you before partitioning. Select the disk for partitioning.

It will ask you to choose the partitioning scheme. Choose the first one. It is also recommended for new users.

Next, it will show you changes you have configured before writing the changes to the disk. Select “Finish partitioning and write changes to the disk”.

Confirm for one last time that you want to write changes to the disk by selecting “Yes”.

The installation process will start and may take some time. You can have snacks and come back. After installation finishes, it will prompt whether you want to install GRUB boot loader.

Select “Yes”. Then it will ask you where to install the boot loader. Select the /dev/sda disk.

After the installation is finished, it will show you a message as shown below. It’s time to boot into your new system.

After the system boots, it will present you a login screen. You can login as either root or the non-root user you created . Once you login, your new pen testing distro should look as below.

See how to install Parrot OS in VirtualBox.

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How to install Parrot OS in VirtualBox

Hello aspiring Ethical Hackers. In this article, you will learn how to install Parrot OS in VirtualBox. Parrot OS is an operating system designed for pen testing similar to Kali Linux. It is a free and open source GNU/Linux distribution based on Debian designed for security experts, developers and privacy aware people. It includes a full portable arsenal for IT security and digital forensics operations.

In this article, we will be installing Parrot Security OS in VirtualBox using the OVA file provided by the makers of Parrot OS (See how to install Parrot Security OS using the ISO file). You can download the OVA file of Parrot Security OS from here. Once the OVA file is finished downloading, Open VirtualBox and click on “Import”.

Browse to the OVA file we just downloaded and click on “Next”.

All the settings applied to the virtual machine are displayed. Change any settings if necessary and click on “Import”.

When Software License Agreement is displayed, Click on “Agree”.

Virtual box will start importing the Parrot Security OS virtual appliance as shown below.

After the import is complete, it will be displayed in the list of virtual machines as shown below.

We just need to power it up and the attacker machine is ready.

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Parrot OS VirtualBox installation using ISO File

Hello aspiring ethical hackers. In this article, you will see how to install Parrot Security ISO in VirtualBox. In our previous article readers have seen how to install Parrot Security OS in VirtualBox using OVA file (VirtualBox image file). In this article, readers will see how to install Parrot  Security OS in VirtualBox using ISO file. Download the Parrot security ISO file from here. Once ISO file is finished downloading, open VirtualBox, go to Machine > New or hit CTRL+N as shown below.

A  new window will open as shown below.

Click on “Expert mode”.

How to install parrot os virtualbox

Fill up the details. Configure the machine folder, type of OS, version etc and allocate the RAM (RAM should be minimum 2GB). Once everything is configured, Click on “Create”.

Allocate the hard-disk size (minimum 16 GB is the minimum requirement but keep it at least 20 GB). Set the other options as shown below. Click on “Create”.

The virtual machine is created. Start the newly created virtual machine. It should start as shown below.

     Browse to the ISO file we downloaded earlier and add it as shown below. Then, click on “Start”.

  The interface changes as shown below. Click on “Install”.

Once you are at the OS interface, click on “Install Parrot “. The Calamares Installer opens.

Click on “Next “.  Select Location and click on “Next”.

Select the keyboard mode and click on “Next”.

Set the partition. Select “Erase disk” and click on “Next”.

Create a user and set credentials to the newly created user.

Review all the settings and click on “Install”.

Click on “Install Now.”

The system starts installing as shown below.

Once the system has finished installing as shown below, click on “Done” .

This will restart the system and will take you to the Login screen. Login using credentials of the newly created user and you are good to go. Happy hacking.

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Install Parrot OS in Vmware

Kali Linux is the most popular and also my favorite pen testing distro. Its regular updates and stability accord it the top spot. Apart from Kali Linux, there are many other pen testing distros available. One of them is Parrot Security distro. Parrot Security sports many more tools than Kali Linux which includes software for cryptography, cloud, anonymity, digital forensics and of course programming. One of our readers has requested us to make a guide on how to install Parrot Security OS in Vmware. So be it.

Download the Parrot Security OS . Unlike the makers of Kali Linux, Parrot Security have not yet provided a Vmware image to download. So we have to download a iso image (depending on your architecture yo- u can download a 32bit or 64 bit iso file). Once the download is finished, open Vmware Workstation (Version 12 used for this article). Hit “CTRL+N”. The below window should open.

Make sure the “Typical” option is selected, and click on “Next”. That takes us to the next window. Initially, the “installer disc image file” field should be empty. Click on “browse” and browse to location of the iso file we just downloaded and select it. Now the window should look like below. Click on “Next”.

The Guest operating system should be automatically selected for you, if not select Linux as OS and version as Debian 8.x (since I am installing a 32bit, make it Debian 8.x64 if installing 64bit). Click on Next.

Choose the name of virtual machine and its location as you like. I named it Parrot. Click on “Next”.

Allocate the hard disk memory for your virtual machine. Keep the minimum as 20GB. Click on Finish.

It will show you a summary of all the selections you made. If you want to make any changes, click on Customize hardware or else click on Next.

The virtual machine is created with the name you gave it. Power on the virtual machine. It will boot and take you to the interface shown below. Choose the “Install” option. In the next window select “Standard Installer”. You can select these options using “tab” button.

Select the language in which you want to continue the installation process.

Select your country. For this article, I chose location as India.

Select the keyboard configuration you want.

It is important to set the root password (no need to tell it is Linux’s most powerful account) for the machine before we do anything. Set a complex password. Read the suggestions before you set the root password.

Re-enter the root password again to confirm it.

It is a good practice to use the system as a no -n root user. The system will prompt you to create a new user account for non-administrative activities. I am creating a user with name kalyan. I am giving the same name as username.

Create a password for the user account you just created. Make it a good password for security reasons.

Re-type the password again to confirm the password you have assigned.

The next step is partitioning the hard disk. Unless you are an expert or want to try something different, use the entire disk.

The system will warn you before partitioning. Select the disk for partitioning.

It will ask you to choose the partitioning scheme. Choose the first one. It is also recommended for users.

Next, it will show you changes you have configured before writing the changes to the disk. Select “Finish partitioning and write changes to the disk”.

Confirm for one last time that you want to writ-e changes to the disk. Select “Yes”.

The installation process will start and may take some time. You can have snacks and come back. After installation finishes, it will prompt whether you want to install GRUB boot loader.

Select Yes. Then it will ask you where to install the boot loader. Select the /dev/sda disk.

After the installation is finished, it will show you a message as shown below. It’s time to boot into your new system.

As the system boots, it will ask present you a login screen. You can login as either root or the new user you created it. Once you login, your new pen testing distro should look as below.

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How to install Shellter in Kali Linux

It is a dream of every hacker to bypass the antivirus solutions of their targets. Recently we have been learning about various payload generators that can bypass antivirus. In this howto, we will see one such payload generator which is designed to bypass antivirus. It’s named Shellter. To say in the words of its makers, “By using Shellter, you automatically have an infinitely polymorphic executable template, since you can use any 32-bit ‘standalone’ native Windows executable to host your shellcode. By ‘standalone’ means an executable that is not statically linked to any proprietary DLLs, apart from those included by default in Windows. ”

Let us see how to install Shellter in Kali Linux. The version we are using here is the latest version Shellter V7.0 till date which can be downloaded from here. Go to the download page and download the zip file shown below.

Click on the link and save the file as shown below.

Once the download is finished, go to the Downloads folder. You will see the “” file as shown below. I copied the file to the root folder but if you want to keep the file in Downloads folder you can keep it. This step is not mandatory.

Now change the permissions of the zip file as shown below. Until you change the permission- s, you cannot unzip the files. After you change the permissions of the file, unzip the contents of the file using the “unzip” command.

Type “ls“. You will see a new directory with name “shellter”. You have successfully installed Shellter in Kali Linux. Navigate into the directory “Shellter” to see its contents as shown belo- w. We will see how to use Shellter to bypass antivirus in our next issue. Until then, happy hacking practice.

install shellter in kali linux