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Hacking Metasploitable 2: Comprehensive guide

Hello, aspiring ethical hackers. In this blogpost, you will learn about Metasploitable 2. While learning ethical hacking, every student may feel like he is understanding everything while listening to the theory classes and find himself/herself stumped while performing practical. That is the reason practice is must for every learner.

This brings forward another problem hacking students may face while looking to practice. What to practice on or how to practice. Can you practice on real-world networks? If the thought of practicing your skills on real-world targets allures you, remember that almost all countries around the world have stringent anti-hacking laws. Your intent may not protect you from going to jail. Not to forget the point that you will not get favorable targets for practicing your skills. What if there was a safe way to practice all our hacking skills in peace and contentment? This brings us to Metasploitable.

What is Metasploitable 2?

Metasploitable is a test environment that gives you a safe target to practice pen testing. It is designed to be intentionally vulnerable with many number of vulnerabilities. Apart from vulnerabilities, it has a lot of services that are made vulnerable to be exploited. Overall Metasploitable 2 can give you lot of practice to hone your cybersecurity skills. This article is a comprehensive guide on hacking Metasploitable 2. Normally this requires Metasploit.

See how to install Metasploitable 2 in VirtualBox.

Metasploitable 2 is our target system to practice our pen testing skills. To practice perfectly, you need lot of tools. Better than tools, It’s good to have an attacker system that has a collection of all the pen testing tools. There are many pen testing distros on internet. For its popularity, I will select Kali Linux.

See how to install Kali Linux in VirtualBox.

Let’s create a hacking lab using both these systems.

See how to create virtual hacking lab on VirtualBox.

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